
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Chapter 72 - Dust Lord
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
We are continuing on into the smoke filled foray month of April with Dust Lord! Frontman Spike Whirley runs through his early life and forming the band, talking about (the return of) trash guitars*, writing songs while incarcerated, his stint in Catheter, the chillness of Andy Patterson, using Jason Roeder's cymbal, playing an impromptu show at an art gallery, tracing back his harmony roots to Maiden, how letting go of his anger led him to slower music, selling his four-track tape player to Blood Incantation, major love for The Lord Weird Slough Feg, how a Facebook thread lead to a split with Bog Wizard, vinyl steals at Target, and the Mutoid Man Meter.
Support Dust Lord
Track featured is "Career Opportunities" off Dust Lord's split with Bog Wizard, Four Tales of the Strange
*See Chapter 44 for more on trash guitars.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Chapter 71 - Conclave
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Doom's favorite group of Massholes, Conclave, are the esteemed guests in this week's chapter. Jeremy, Chris, Dan, and Jerry dive into how they all go way back, how to properly spell Worcester (WOOSTAH), the MA crossover scene, what that one house in the middle of Nebraska is really up to, show affection through insults, making sure they don't have a "bought off the wall" sound (but no Queensryche comparisons allowed!), why the world doesn't need another album about the Salem Witch Trials, real heavy subject matter, navigating a wave of the plague to get their tracks done, and being excited to start supporting the local scene again.
Conclave's new album, Dawn of Days, drops April 23rd. You can pre-order it here.
Track featured is "Haggard" off Dawn of Days

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Chapter 70 - Domestikwom Part II
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Jon of Domestikwom is back for part two of our interview with him. In this chapter, he talks about bringing on friends and family on to sing and shred, finding the threads between his original work and his current music, sampling in The Princess Bride, why his artistic life doesn't meet up with what people expect and why that's perfectly fine, how his band name is a pun on his last name, appreciating listeners' observations of his art, and then a whole lot of poutine and Calgary Flames chatter.
Support Domestikwom
Support Philip K. Discs, where you can find Domestikwom's Wallowing in Misery EP available for physical purchase for a limited time.
Track featured is "Survivors" off Wallowing in Misery

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Chapter 69 - Domestikwom Part I
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Tipped off to us by previous podcast guest, Jeremy Hunt, Jon Michael is better known by his moniker, Domestikwom, his experimental doomy black metal project and part of the Philip K. Discs family. In the first of two parts, we dive into his Canadian upbringing, particularly his ancestors migration from Russia and how that impacted his music, as well as having friends who aren't into metal, when to step back in the metal debates, a mess of Devin Townsend talk, keeping line ups fresh and unique, that self-awareness is important, and how a tape from his grandfather helped birth an album.
Support Domestikwom
Support Philip K. Discs, where you can find Domestikwom's Wallowing in Misery EP available for physical purchase for a limited time
Tracks featured are "The Crushing Weight of Inertia" and "Planting Seeds" off of Pater Vita and A Peace That Destroys

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Chapter 68 - Seum
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Northern neighbors Seum (specifically, Montreal) are calling into this chapter of the diary. Piotr, Fred, and Gaspar talk about what it is like to be the most North American European band, the history of the French metal scene, catacomb shows, why they went bass only, that Slipknot might owe Acid Bath a little cred, doing a sludgy Prince cover, putting together their split with Fatima, and their pop-up album cover.
Support Seum
Track featured is "Raining Bricks" off Summer of Seum
And also checkout Seum's friend they mention in the episode: Temporary, Cerbere, and D Patrol

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Chapter 67 - deathCAVE
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Joining us for this week's chapter is a band definitely NOT from Portland, the mighty deathCAVE! Fronted by the fearless Freiburger along with guitarist Tony and drummer Benny, they talk about how punk ethos has worked its way into metal, not being afraid to take risks, have fun, and express their emotions, their extremely varied history of past bands (including a Hollywood butt rock band), how the Seattle scene challenges you as a musician, digital film, the Helm's Alee/Botch connection, their resident yeti, playing with every genre ever, southwestern metal, and the possibility of a deathCAVE trap metal album.
Support deathCAVE
Track featured is "Last Breath" off Smoking Mountain, which was one of our favorite records of 2020
Picture by Immortal Affliction Photography

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Chapter 66 - Sun Voyager
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
We once again return to the Hudson Valley with the very awesome Sun Voyager. Our cipher is shooting the shit with Carlos and Stefan, the least of which includes the legacy of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, having a moment for The Castle, finding tactical residence in New Jersey, blazing out to Ecstatic Vision's demo, the rewarding and frustrating aspects of being too heavy for psych and too light for doom, bloody nights in New Paltz, why they jacked and ditched their original name, playing the Melt Asia Festival with Raekwon while their drummer "pulled a gun" on Pete from The Adventures of Pete & Pete, Coxsackie cranks, craft beer, the missing bass head story, and more!
Support Sun Voyager
Track featured is "Open Road" off Seismic Vibes

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Chapter 65 - Irene the Black Metal Pastry Chef
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Hope your sweet tooth is primed (and it should be, you dirt weed smoking reprobates). Our good friend Irene, otherwise known as the Black Metal Pastry Chef on the interwebs, is joining us for this chapter of the Diary, talking about seeing Blood Incantation on Valentine's Day (the cipher was featured in a Stereogum article about it, read it here, and yes, he totally keeps saying Kerrang), blasting Cloud Rat to wake up in the AM, navigating the hostile territory of the power violence scene, dropping out of university to fall into a career as a pastry chef, the science of baking, why the cake/apple pie debate is dumb, weed treats and Sunn O))) peanut butter tarts, why baking to music is a must, heavy metal getting cute, and Morbid Angel Food Cake.
Also featuring a guest appearance throughout by a man aggressively trying to back his car out of a snowbank.
Follow Irene on Instagram

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Chapter 64 - Earl Walker Lundy - Shadow Witch
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Mississippi native Earl Walker Lundy is radioing in from his Hudson Valley haunt to cover all manner of topics during the years leading up to his current band Shadow Witch, including wolf moons, looking up to Cousin Chris Ethridge, playing slide guitar with a knife, shape-note singing, joining one of the first punk bands in the land of the Delta Blues (and becoming an unintended house band), why he plays and explores barefoot, Appalachian hillbilly music, opening for Corrosion of Conformity, keeping busy with collaborations, and taking it back to the cave.
Support Shadow Witch
Tracks featured are "Beneath the Below" by Cactus Magma and "Witches of Aendor" off Under the Shadow of a Witch

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Chapter 63 - Caroline Harrison
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Brooklyn artist Caroline Harrison, whom you may know from lurking about the corners of Saint Vitus Bar, is our guest for this chapter, talking about why metal heads give a shit about artwork, her interest in human anatomy and disease blending in with her art, wage gap mania, bringing disparate bands together through her artwork, the Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack, raise a glass to mp3 blogs and LimeWire, ten renditions of "Boys of Summer" by The Eagles The Ataris, the Great White Fire, poop man vocals, and hosting Age of Quarantine for the aforementioned Saint Vitus.
Check out Caroline's work on her Instagram page