
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Chapter 42 - Aaron D.C. Edge Part I
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Aaron D.C. Edge is a true Renaissance man, with a career spanning all manner of places and titles, from East Coast to West, from punk bands and fighting nazis to art director. Our cipher spent some time speaking with Aaron (stay tuned for part two next week), touching upon how he got his first drum kit, how peer pressure got him into metal and a straight edge lifestyle, how his all or nothing outlook helped him avoid vinyl addiction, that exposure to new music is like a new way of looking at life, balancing a West Coast lifestyle with East Coast attitude, how his battle with MS influenced his band, Lumbar, and continuing to deal with it to this day, and that people would get along better if we could all understand each other's pain.
Support Aaron's latest project, Hellvetika
Support Lumbar
Song featured is "Program: Days One through Four" off The First & Last Days of Unwelcome by Lumbar

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Chapter 41 - Trophy Hunt
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Kai of Brooklyn's noise-grind Trophy Hunt is chatting with the cipher today. Kai talks about cutting her teeth in MySpace metalcore bands, informs the cipher that it may be too late to appreciate Atreyu, how a fresh and unified lineup brought Trophy Hunt to a new level, determines how fans can be better folks, and announces her new upcoming doom project, Sleep Violence.
Support Trophy Hunt
Song featured is "Inside-Out Girl" off of 2020's Silent Intercom
Photo by @punkgriot

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Chapter 40 - Eitan Lidergot
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
You may have heard him over on the cipher's other show, Defenders of the Cake, but Eitan Liedergot returns for another go about with our consistently spaced-out host. Despite lamenting tour cancellations, they manage to determine there is only one Prince, accidentally order Dopesmoker in the most fitting manner possible, touch on the downfall of All That is Heavy, take strategic naps at concerts, discuss earplug etiquette and the merits of Drive Angry 3D, and how music acts as meditative therapy. By the way, has the cipher mentioned how much he likes death metal yet?

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Chapter 39 - Kayla Dixon - Witch Mountain/Dress the Dead
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
The voice of Witch Mountain, Kayla Dixon, joins our cipher for this week's chapter of the diary. Since starting her musical career at a young age, Kayla has blazed her own path, now also fronting Dress the Dead in addition to Witch Mountain. She dives into how she avoids vocal burnout and breaks down her technique, being welcomed into both heavy metal families, and why everybody needs to be accountable for their bullshit.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Chapter 38 - Sunrot
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
“No fuckin’ ziti?”
That's right, Jersey is in the house: Sunrot is our guest for this week's chapter. Dialing in from Dad House HQ, Sunrot talks about having venue presence, conveying emotion while stating a message, finding the best sound samples while out delivering pizza, how Jersey gives you grit, and the Taylor Ham vs. Pork Roll debate is finally settled... again.
Song featured is "Riverbed" off Sunnata

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Chapter 37 - Nate Towle - Wicked Inquisition/Satan’s Satyrs/Extermination Day
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
In this week's chapter, former Satan's Satyrs guitarist Nate Towle talks about how YouTube was a gateway to doom metal, Pentagram's influence on his style, and putting together Satyrs' split with Windhand.
"Street Brawler" is the third track off of Extermination Day's (Nate's new project) recently released demo.

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Chapter 36 - When the Kite String Poops
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
The cipher recorded an episode back in April with previous guests Ivana DeCaro and Eryka Fir and finally got around to sharing it with the world. As our cipher stutters and stammers his way through the episode, the trio does a dive into the world of Acid Bath, wear their favorite offensive t-shirts, and talk about a string of doom metal memes.
Meme courtesy of Ivana DeCaro
Follow Ivana - @noita_black
Follow Eryka - @erykafir
Support Eryka's solo work and her band Coma Hole

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Chapter 35 - I Hope You Suffer
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Fellow podcasters Nathan and Kit from I Hope You Suffer drop in to the Diary cave to discuss the essentials of bad horror movies, how metal and horror go hand in hand, which metal bands should be doing soundtracks, discover Wally's Wonderland, sneak in some time to shit on Danzig, and show Bongripper some love.
Fun Fact: Kit manages to censor himself with his squeaky chair at 1:14:40.
Band Discussed - Bongripper
Support I Hope You Suffer

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Chapter 34 - Ken Wohlrob - Swarm of Flies
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Ken Wohlrob is back for another chapter of the diary, talking about his new collaborative project Swarm of Flies, making a home recording set up work during quarantine, and how the doom scene needs some new energy.
Support Swarm of Flies

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Chapter 33 - Jeff ”Oly” Olson - Trouble/Retro Grave/The Skull
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
The Diary is extremely happy to welcome Jeff "Oly" Olson, drummer of doom pioneers, Trouble, alongside his solo project, Retro Grave. Oly talks about how the term "godfather" applied to more than just being a legend band in Chicago, why he decided to follow a path of study than rock, how his days hosting Heady Metal allowed him to speak to his idols like friends, and getting the chance to brew his own beer.
Support Retro Grave
Photo by Matt Tronger