
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Chapter 112 - Daxma
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
It's the first chapter of 2022 and judging by the looks of things, the year is going to be running consistent with the theme of this podcast. To kick off the new season, our guest for the first chapter is Isaac from the Oakland, CA-based band Daxma. Daxma released their sophomore album in November of 2021 and during the chat, Isaac and Dylan talk about seeing Wolves in the Throne Room (in the woods), string sections, cinematic vibes, a life-changing experience in Istanbul, and getting hooked up with Blues Funeral.
Support Daxma
Track featured is "Comes Back in Another Form" off Unmarked Boxes, available now.
Thanks to Claire from Purple Sage PR for helping put this together!

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Chapter 111 - Drownyard
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
We're finally here, the final chapter of 2021. It's been, well, it's been a year. But that said, DOD trudged along and there's no better way to ring in the new year than with a hometown crew. Dylan ventured out to Wild East Brewing to meet up with the members of Brooklyn's Drownyard. Amidst some background racket and a lot of beers (they were in a brewery after all), Robin, Gino, and Milton talk about their recently released sophomore album as well as beings masters of sax, Beavis & Butthead's influence, Trent Reznor's secret love of fuzz, putting your vocalist out to pasture, Craigslist reliability, Robin's many exploits, their favorite NYC shows (including one unreal white whale), hallucinate standing up, and get in touch with their softer sides.
Support Drownyard
Track featured is "Leeches" off Drownyard II, available now!
Thanks for supporting the podcast throughout the year! Stay safe and get stoned!

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Chapter 110 - Shi - 死
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
We are rapidly approaching the end of the year and there remains no shortage of doom. Mostly in the real world, but also talking about here, on the wonderful cesspool of the internet. Our guest this week is Bael from Kentucky's Shi, or Shi - 死 for the hardcore fans. Shi released their second full-length, Basement Wizard, earlier this year and Bael dropped in to talk about it, as well as the right way to say Louisville, how they became trve subterranean warlocks, when metalcore has its time and place, if a defining band is the best band, what it is like to be northern and southern at the same time, humor in morbidity, trumpet solos, unexpected piss, and a very pleasant tour.
Support Shi and also check out Bael on Twitch as well as his buddy RiffZealot
Track featured is "High Praise" off Basement Wizard, available now!

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Chapter 109 - Matador
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
A Brit, an Aussie, and a dork from New Jersey all cross the Canadian border and the border guard says, "...well, lovely to have you, eh!" This week, we are dipping back into our Canadian contingency with Vancouver's Matador. James and Scott join in to talk about their new EP, The Surge, as well as shitty Nirvana covers, Russian Circle's vow of silence, trying out so many bassists they got tired of trying out bassists, why the drums stand out in post-metal, audio sculptures, the Vancouver local scene, getting impressed by mountains, and mutant Sydney funnel-web spiders.
Support Matador
Track featured is "Business Trip" off their latest EP, The Surge, available now!

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Chapter 108 - Justin Sherrell - Somnuri
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Somnuri dropped a banger of an album earlier this year with Nefarious Waves and over cold beers during a colder November evening, Dylan picked the brain of their guitarist, Justin Sherrell. Set against the wonderfully noisy backdrop of Prospect Park, they dive into Justin's journey from Boston to New York to Somnuri, including such topics as taking a bullet to learn the guitar, staying Limp on the Bizkit but Down with the System, drowning on FM radio playlists, speaking the music language with drummer Phil, follow the Mastodon method, stoner rock goobers showing up, getting into Prostitution, smoking weed with the dead and other weirdo touring stories.
Support Somnuri
Track featured in "Desire Lines" off Nefarious Waves, available now!

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Chapter 107 - Milana
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
We return once more to Spain, specifically the beautiful island of Mallorca to speak with Will from the band Milana. Despite some setbacks from the pandemic, it hasn't halted Milana's momentum at all as Will elaborates on, plus watching Iron Maiden on the tube, Jimi Hendrix live in Mallorca, how the then dictatorship influenced their musical culture, using the Spanish language to get a step up, Florida flavored death metal, why their singer helps loosen things up, mental scars, and spiritual birds.
Support Milana
Track featured is "White Buffalo" which you can get as a single or as part of the Mallorca Stoner Vol. 1 Split with Bisonte.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Chapter 106 - Low Flying Hawks
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
We are thrilled to feature EHA and AAL (Eddie and Alex respectively), the main creative forces behind Low Flying Hawks, as our guests for this chapter. Along with collaborators Toshi Kasai, Dale Crover, and Trevor Dunn, the duo released Fuyu earlier this year, which is the conclusion to their album trilogy.
During our chat with them, we delve into the brilliance of Sabbath's Technical Ecstasy, a real love for slow music that makes you feel, brain dancing, Bohren's giant bass, emotional drummers, life as a Sisyphian task, reckoning with social media, standing out in a crowded scene, why big hands mean big guitar solos, recording on impulse, a possible Danzig cover band, and Scott Walker.
Support Low Flying Hawks
Track featured is "Subatomic Sphere" off Fuyu, available now!

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Chapter 105 - An Ode to John Hopkins & Barnaby Struve
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
In just a few days, it will have been one year since friend of the show, tour manager extraordinaire, and front of house master John Hopkins passed away. I don’t need to state again the impact a person like John Hopkins can have on a community, not to mention the individual person. All you have to do is ask someone who knew John the way we all did.
Back in April, I recorded an episode with Jason Parris of Wake Brewing, which would not have happened as it did without John’s ability to link us up. No formalities, no legalities, no bull shit. It was just, you guys like doom metal and craft beer, be friends. We wound up speaking not only about John’s passing, but two other key members of the metal and craft beer scene who also passed away: Barnaby Struve, previously of 3 Floyds and many others, and Brandon Gay of TRVE Brewing. While I never had the opportunity to meet with either, it’s clear they have left behind a legacy of their own just like John.
I opted to hold onto that part of the conversation between Jason and myself for a more appropriate time and that time is now, unfortunately. The wound is still fresh, but we have to remember that people like John, Barnaby, and Brandon don’t come around often and when they do, it’s their selfless nature that defines them. It’s a trait that I would believe most of the human race lacks and those moments when you do encounter it, it hits you in a very specific, special way and you probably won’t be forgetting it anytime soon.
To coincide with this memorial, Diary of Doom has put together a special shirt in memory of John. When I first spoke with John, he remarked on referring to stoner metal as “burrito metal” back in the day. It seemed like the perfect image to memorialize him in. Thanks to Made In Brooklyn Silkscreeners and artist Corey Largent (insaneclampasta), we were able to do just that. A number have already been distributed to friends and family, but if you would like one, they will be listed on the Diary of Doom Bandcamp page. All of the proceeds will be going to Daphneyland Basset Hound Rescue that John was a fan of.
Tracks featured are "The Clarity" by Sleep off The Sciences and "Space Rock" by Bongzilla off Weedsconsin

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Chapter 104 - Doomsday Profit
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Where the heck is Tradd Yancey?
That and many other topics as we host Doomsday Profit in this week's chapter. Bryan and Ryan have popped in to talk about their debut album, In Idle Orbit, as well as unearth high school drama, college radio FTW, the Southern sludge path, metal therapy, the Triangle scene, visuals by way of Tetsuo the Iron Man, doing their part to help venues survive the pandemic, renewed interest in Dungeons & Dragons, and the real value of year-end lists.
Support Doomsday Profit. Their debut, In Idle Orbit, is out November 12th aka tomorrow! And check out Ryan over at Global Garage where he is talking about music from all around the world.
Track featured is "Destroy the Myths" off In Idle Orbit

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Chapter 103 - Shannon Hodges
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
We actually took that turn at Albuquerque and ran into fellow fan and Psychonaut Shannon Hodges. Shannon is dropping in to relay what it was like attending Psycho Las Vegas in the year of the plague, along with witnessing hair metal get the boot, Oregon venues, White Zombie filling the Kiss void, Static-X's weak fencing, fandom crossover, Mystery Science Theater 3000, the best way to support a band, young rockers needing a mom, and a very awkward photograph with Mothership.
Note: There is a recurring fuzzy audio goof in the episode, unfortunately not much could be done about it. Apologies for the scratchy audio!
You can follow Shannon on her Instagram as well as her vinyl account